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Rose McClelland

You’ve now written two books.  How does it feel to be an author?   I feel very grateful. I have been writing for a long time so it’s lovely to have my book ‘out there’ and to hear that people are enjoying it. That’s lovely.

If you weren’t an author, what would you be?   I quite fancy the idea of being a librarian. I’m quite sure it would involve lots of putting the feet up and reading, wouldn’t it?

How did you celebrate your 1st and 2ndbook being published?  Launch day for Book 1 – I met friends for lunch in a gorgeous restaurant with a high ceiling dome. Never mind the ceiling; I was as high as a kite. The book had gone into the Top 100 by 1pm. In the evening, I went for dinner with friends.  By 10pm, I was exhausted, but in a good way.

The following night, I had loads of friends round to my apartment to watch a light show. It was an event organized to celebrate the opening of the Titanic museum – they couldn’t have timed it better if you asked me.

Launch of Book 2 – I will meet friends for lunch & then go out for dinner with friends in the evening.  I like to celebrate as much as possible, can you tell?

People would be surprised to know that you…?  I can’t drive!  I tell people that this is because I lived in London for years where everyone used the tube. But the truth is; I’m too scared to learn!

What’s it like in a day of Rose McClelland?  If it’s a writing day, I get up early, put the kettle on and switch on the laptop.  I’m at my laptop drinking my coffee before I even have time to say ‘morning’.  Pyjamas on and not a scrap of make-up; I write my ‘morning pages’.  These are three pages of anything that comes into your head. It’s a technique devised by Julia Cameron to help you get past the fear and get on with it.

After that, I pour another coffee and make breakfast. I get out my book notes and look at what I’m going to write next.  Usually in a previous session, I’ve made a rough sketch of what the next scene will be.

So, still in my pyjamas, I’ll crack on and write that scene.  I pretend I’m just watching what the characters are up to and I just write it down.  It doesn’t have to be funny or brilliant or clever, I’m just recording what’s happening. Most of the time, it turns out okay.

After I write the scene, I do a bit of exercise, have a bath, and make lunch.

In the afternoon, I’ll go shopping or meet friends. And in the evening, I’ll go out to the cinema /theatre or have friends over.

What is your favorite part of the writing and/or editing process?   My favorite part is when I’m about halfway through the first draft; when I’m starting to get to know the characters well. From that point on, the writing comes easily and the words gallop along.  It’s the editing that’s a bit harder…

Hardback, paperback or eBooks?   Ebooks – definitely. Hardbacks are too heavy. Even paperbacks are too much to lug around. But a kindle – now that can just slip into your handbag no problem. I also love the ‘sample’ option – it allows me to get a good idea of the style of the book before I’ll consider buying it.  And then of course, once I decide to buy it, it’s there immediately!

What is your favorite word? Why?   Autumnal – Isn’t that lovely? It evokes an atmosphere of copper leaves; romantic walks; being wrapped up in a warm scarf and gloves; puppy trotting along.

What motivates you to keep writing and/or editing when writer’s block hits?  If I get stuck in a story, I will ‘go back to the drawing board’ – looking at the overall plot – the beginning, middle and end. I’ll try to stand back from the picture and wonder what else the characters would have done. It’s important to take a step back and ‘watch’. I try to observe what my characters are up to.

In terms of motivation, it can be hard to write if you’ve just received a knock-back.  If this is the case, you have to remind yourself why you write – because you enjoy it, because it’s a pleasurable past-time, because it’s a fun way to express yourself.  When you write for the process, rather than just the outcome, then you experience the joy of it again.

What is your favorite editing, reading or writing accessory?   My ear-plugs! I would be lost without them. I need perfect peace and quiet to write!

How would you spend your perfect day?   I would wake up late (next to some Adonis creature of course); I’d have coffee and croissants (in an ideal world I wouldn’t be wheat intolerant). I’d sit at my desk looking out over the river writing (that bit does happen). I’d then get dressed up (selecting from a range of gorgeous clothes) and head off into town where I’d meet fabulous friends for lunch and shopping. In the evening I’d head to the theatre or cinema with my Adonis creature (no, scrap that, he’s too busy looking at himself – just a normal bloke) and we’d have a lovely evening chatting and laughing.

Can you tell us about any upcoming projects, or do you have anything you’d like to share?   I’m writing my fourth novel at the moment. It’s set in the theatre world and it’s all about the sizzling chemistry that goes on behind the scenes. I love writing it!

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**Click HERE to read my review of “How To Look Like You!

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