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What My Characters Are Doing When I’m Not Writing…

So, for about a day now, I haven’t written at all, and I’m okay with that, because when I do get back to my story, I know that I will have come back with more motivation and inspiration.  I will have more of a clear head, and my “friend,” Mr. Writer’s Block, will be gone.  Okay, that’s a lie.  Mr. Block hasn’t come for a visit, but I’d like to use that as an excuse.

This brings me to wonder, “What are my characters doing when I’m not writing?”  As I stare at the point I left off at, my characters are staring at me, I am here at my desk, staring back at them.  It’s almost as if we’re playing a staring game, and I will not let them win.

I will be the one who determines their future…It will be me who makes the first move!  I hold all the power…

Now, in order to do that, I feel that I must observe what they are doing when I’m not writing.  First, I read the beginning of the scene that I have put them in, (though mostly I just scan the scene, because if I really read, then I the editor in me will want to jump in and take charge).  I try to pay attention to the mood, but not just my characters, mine as well, because often times, my mood isn’t the same as it before.  Since I’m writing from my Heroine’s POV, I toss my hair back (like a celeb), getting into character and continue on my writing journey.

If you happen to be lucky, and who knows exactly what your characters are up to when you’re not with them, then good for you, (I envy you!)

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