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Adding A Little “Hump” To Your Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, ladies!  Wednesday is also known as “Hump Day,” so I’ve decided to put a little spark back in to your week, and in mine as well.  Today’s high in Texas is 110 and I am in need of a better excuse to be hot, instead of just the unbearable temperatures.

FANTASIES…We all have them, so you might as well enjoy and indulge your mind…and body

It all starts with a kiss.  Now I’m not talking about the kiss that your grandmother would approve of, but the behind closed doors kiss, the kiss that sends chills up and down our body.  This kiss is best when done spontaneously and with a light amount of aggression, followed up by the light brush of lip on lip action.  The intensity begins to grow and grow, until the sweet and saltness of his lips make you hungry for more of him.

It’s been a cliché that these kisses only happen on soap operas and in movies, but I beg to differ.  While relationships grow and evolve and everyday life begins and those little quirks that you use to think were so cute are now annoying, that’s when we (men and women) need to ignite fireworks to remind your significant other, or even rekindle the passion you two have for one another.

Eduardo Verastegul

I would like you all to be introduced to the man who inspired me to write this blog today, thanks to Kathie Lee and Hoda on The Today Show this morning.  They replayed a clip of their first episode extension of the morning show.  HERE is the clip.  Instantly, I fell in lust with him, and couldn’t remember wanting someone so bad, not even Bradley Cooper.  Now, it might have been the way he was dressed, only because I am drawn to attractive men in suits.  He is a very sexy Latino…HOT, HOT, HOT!

Pretend your on the beach and it’s just you and your man.  How much sexier can it get?  Not much!  There is a reason why so many couples want to go to a beach destination for a (romantic) vacation — and it’s all because of the intimacy that two people can share on what can be such an erotic location.  Think about it…you laying on dry sand and your man hovering over you, and there’s no one around.  When he’s kissing you and his hands are arousing your body.  All of the sudden get drenched thanks to a wave — at first your surprised and a little bit caught off guard, but then you ignore it and keep paying attention him, who has now eased his way down to your shoulders.  Instantly, your nipples begin to harden and chills cover your body…(I would keep going, but my own beach fantasies have taken over).

Some people might think of Texas men as non-attractive, well they are so wrong.  Cowboys are VERY sexy!  From head to toe, cowboy hat to cowboy boot and of course what’s in between!

There is something so sexy about a real cowboy, whether it’s the way they talk in that sweet charming accent from the south, or the way they are manly men with a touch of sensitivity.  These men are hard workers, on the land and in the bedroom.  Cowboys are known for waking up early, ready to take on the day of physical labor, and from what I hear just because the sun goes down doesn’t mean that they are ready to stop working, wink wink!  Their bodies are built to work overtime — and on you!  They take pride and cherish the women they are with.  **For quick sexy reads about cowboys click HERE.

This weekend I watched both Bridget Jones’s movies (Bridget Jones’s Diary and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason) and fell in love with Mr. Darcy!

While Hugh Grant’s character, Daniel Cleaver, is that bad boy we always like for some reason and his smile makes me blush, everything about Colin Firth’s character, Mark Darcy, melted my heart.  I loved how he never bashed Daniel for sleeping with his ex-wife, I loved how Mark was honest about everything he said to Bridget, good or bad.  While he always acted strong and macho, he didn’t act like it, nor did he need to, to win Bridget’s heart.  Above is a picture of the movie where he says my favorite line.  While at first I didn’t think that Mr. Darcy was sexy at all, not even attractive, his actions made me love him and his words stuck with me.

I encourage you all to watch these two movies and find out why you love Mr. Darcy.

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