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Handwriting.  With growing technology, handwriting is beginning to be obsolete.  I’ve even forgot how to spell some words-even the easiest-when writing a handwritten thank you note.  Yes, thank you notes should still be handwritten, but that’s another topic on etiquette.  (Click HERE to see a blog about handwritten letters).  Thanks to my iPhone and spellcheck on the computer, thinking about how to spell is something that I don’t have to do anymore.  For some, this could be a good thing, (if you’re in a hurry to send a quick email, or write memo), but for kids, I think that the spellchecker should be taken off — only because the computer is doing the work for them.  With a click of the mouse, the word can be corrected.

Above is a sample of my handwriting.  It’s not consistent at all, but it never is-not even when I try.  I want to have good handwriting, (not just because about ten years ago one of my family members commented on my “horrible” handwriting.  The truth is, I don’t even like how I write, non-cursive or cursive.  Maybe it’s because I don’t do it every single day.

This leads me to another thing.  When I was taught cursive (many hears ago), I loved it.  It made me feel like an adult.  Just the word, cursive, sounds fancy.  In high school, the teachers-even some who taught me cursive, didn’t care how we wrote-as long as our names were on our papers, the font was Times, and the paragraphs were double-spaced.  Times have definitely changed.

Here are some things to think about:

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