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The Reinvention of Mimi Finnegan


“The Reinvention of Mimi Finnegan” by Whitney Dineen

Blurb: Move over Bridget Jones… here comes Mimi Finnegan!

Thirty-four year old, Mimi Finnegan is the third of four daughters and in her eyes, by far, the most unremarkable. She has no singular accomplishment that can stand up to any of her sisters. And if that isn’t enough, she is the only single sibling in her family.

Mimi’s sisters decide that it’s time she gets serious about husband hunting, so they begin a campaign to find Mr. Right for her. Considering her most recent dating encounters include a night club owner who stuffs bratwurst in his pants and a WASPy trust fund baby, living happily under his mother’s thumb, Mimi is more than ready to meet THE ONE. Enter celebrated British novelist Elliot Fielding.

Sexual tension and anger heat up between the duo and it isn’t until Mimi discovers that Elliot is almost engaged to another that she realizes she is head-over-heels in love with him.

The journey will make you laugh, cry and want to pull your hair out from frustration! Mimi eventually learns that she is quite remarkable in her own right and never needed to worry that she lived in her sister’s shadows.

The Reinvention of Mimi Finnegan is the perfect laugh-out-loud, feel good book for any woman who has ever felt that she wasn’t good enough.

**Click HERE to buy “The Reinvention of Mimi Finnegan”!


My sisters, to my undying disgust, are all gorgeous and talented. Renée, the oldest one of the group is the unparalleled beauty of the family. Lest you think I’m exaggerating and she’s not really all that and a bag of chips, let me ask if the name Renée Finnegan means anything to you? Yes, that’s right, “The” Renée Finnegan, the gorgeous Midwestern girl who won the coveted Cover Girl contract when she was only seventeen, fresh out of high school. Try surviving two whole years at Pipsy High with people asking, “You’re Renée’s sister? Really?” The tone of incredulity was more than I could bear.

Next is Ginger. She’s the brain. But please, before you picture an unfortunate looking nerd with braces and braids, I should tell you that she is only marginally less gorgeous than Renée. She was also the recipient of a Rhodes scholarship, which funded her degree in the History of Renaissance Art, which she acquired at Oxford. Yes, Oxford, not the shoes, not the cloth, but the actual university in England.

The youngest of our quartet is Muffy, born Margaret Fay, but abbreviated to Muffy when at the tender age of two she couldn’t pronounce Margaret Fay and began referring to herself as one might a forty-two-year old socialite. Muffy is the jock. She plays tennis and even enjoyed a run on the pro-circuit before a knee injury forced her to retire. She did however play Wimbledon three years in a row, and while never actually winning, the experience allows her to start sentences with, “Yes, well when I played Wimbledon…” And make pronouncements like, “There’s nothing like the courts at Wimbledon in the fall.” Muffy is now the tennis pro at The Langley Country Club. Her husband Tom is the men’s tennis pro, insuring they are the tannest, most fit couple on the entire planet. They’re perfection is enough to make you barf.

I am the third child in my family, christened Miriam May Finnegan which against my express consent got shortened to Mimi. For years I demanded, “It’s Miriam, call me Miriam!” No one listened, as is the way in my family.

* * * * *


Describe yourself in three words: Tall, funny, curvy.

If you could meet any author, who would it be? Fannie Flagg.

What made you want to be an author? Fannie Flagg.

Salty or sweet? Both, at the same time!

Describe your writing/editing/publishing process: I write when inspired only. I don’t adhere to a schedule. I just kinda do it when the spirit moves me.

What must an author have at all times? A fantastic imagination and a thick skin.

Where do you get ideas for your books? Directly from my own life!

Hard/paperback or eBooks? Paperbacks and eBooks.

Is social media a help or a hinder? Yes. The truth is that I’m relatively new to social media. I love the contact that I have with friends, loved ones and readers but I’m a little creeped out with people like “DoubleBananaHolder” following me on Twitter.

What was the last book you fell in love with? Twin Piques by Tracie Banister.

Do you have any writing rituals? I seem to eat an awful lot when writing. Perhaps this is why my heroines all wear double digits.

What is the best advice you’ve been given? As long as you believe in yourself, you will succeed. If someone else doesn’t believe in you, drop ‘em.

**Additional comments by Whitney: I love writing romantic comedies. Life is ridiculous, scary, frustrating and outrageous. I love reading and writing about characters who are real through-and-through and who get a happy ending every time.

**About author, Whitney Dineen:

While attending the University of Illinois in Chicago, Whitney Dineen was discovered by a local modeling agent and began an unexpected career as a plus-size Ford model. She modeled in New York City before moving to Los Angeles with her husband.

When she wasn’t modeling, she was in the kitchen, baking delights to share with friends. Soon, her friends began asking her to send baskets of her wonderful candies and cookies to business associates, agents and production studios. Word spread like wildfire, and the rest, as they say, is history. Whitney’s sensational creations are still in great demand by her loyal celebrity clientele (

During “The Hollywood Years,” Whitney was bitten by the writing bug and started creating characters that are inspired by strong women with a great sense of humor.

In addition to her love of chick-lit, Whitney has also written a series of adventure books for middle readers The first of which, Wilhelmina and the Willamette Wig Factory, is nearing completion.

Whitney and her husband, Jimmy, have recently relocated to the beautiful Pacific Northwest to raise their children, chickens and organic vegetables.

**Click HERE to buy “She Sins at Midnight”!

**Contact Whitney: Email   Facebook   Website   Website – About

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